General content production. Personalized films. Portraits. Event photography.

Company portraits


Personalized Films


Want to capture someones attention, show them some love, or just say thank you? Personalized films does just that.

We created a set of personalized films for some of the customers of DNB, where the personalization was among others based on name and geographic location. Meaning that some of the scenes in the film would be specially adapted for the viewer. A fun project, where Storm121 helped along with the coding/implementation of films and sending of the films.

This project also included having to animate the logo, where we decided to opt for a timeless and elegant approach.


Films & Event Coverage


During the years we have had the honor of covering several of the innovative and popular DNB events in our region. In addition to commercials. Watch our DNB Molde Finans commercial:


Photography - Live events & general content


