Bryggen Tannhelsesenter

Visual identity & Branding

Going to the denist can for many be scary, with that in mind we developed the graphic profile of Bryggen Tannhelsesenter - making dentistry more approachable and fun

The branding includes the development of their mascot “Karo”, a tooth which plays a key role in their new branding - enabling us to put him in different environments while keeping a recognizable style.


Communication Outsourcing

During the last years we have continuosly covered all of Bryggen Tannhelsesenter’s need in terms of marketing. This covers a broad specter of services ranging from the strategies all the way to a the final products such as installing a digital screen with content in their waiting room, printed materials and full social media outsourcing.



We have created a range of different film material for the clinic, ranging from short animated commercials for social media to bigger documentary productions. The following minidocumentary aims to portrait the friendly faces you meet when visiting the clinic. We are please to say that the film has been well received, and gotten thousands of views on Bryggen Tannhelsesenters social media.


Ålesund Storsenter
