
Time for a new webpage?

When we create webpages all text, content and the build of the website is customized to your needs and goals. In need for an webshop, business homepage or maybe a school homepage? Already happy with your website, but could need a couple new photos or graphical elements to freshen it up a bit? Let us help you!

Contact us to hear how we can help and get a non-commiting price estimate.


Works from LD Studio:


Here you will find answers to some of the most asked questions, but if you are wondering about something else just send us an email.


Frequently asked questions

  • Prices for webshops depends on the amount of work and the estimated hours. Contact us to hear how we can help and get a non-commiting price estimate.

  • Creating a website can normally takes between 3-6 weeks, but depends on the amount of work. It also depends on what you want, when you need the content and if you already have existing texts and materials (foto, film, graphics etc) for the website. The quickest we have done websites is in a matter of days and for the most complex websites months.

  • After designing and creating all webshops we take the time to teach and guide our customers on how to maintain the website. This includes how to upload products, taking payment etc.


NTNU Havløftet


Ålesund Storsenter